Policy for Publishing Articles
on the Sab Gate Website for External Writers
6 April, 2024 by
Policy for Publishing Articles
Shams Al bawadi Insulation Systems L.L.C, Kassem Ghatrif
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Article Submission Terms:

  • Free Content: All submitted articles must be free of charge from the writer, without any financial compensation from Sab Gate.
  • External Links: No external links are allowed in articles, including links to websites or the writer's social media pages.
  • Website Content Compliance: All articles must comply with the content of the Sab Gate website, including focusing on topics related to construction, waterproofing, and thermal insulation.
  • Social Media Sharing: Articles can be shared on Sab Gate's social media pages and the writer's social media pages, with the mention of the writer's name and the website name in each post.
  • Topics: Articles must focus on topics related to construction, waterproofing, and thermal insulation.
  • Sources: All sources used in writing the article must be mentioned.

Alignment with the Platform's Topic and Objectives:
The article should be aligned with the platform's topic and objectives.
The article should be relevant to the interests of the platform's audience.
The article should contribute to achieving the platform's goals.

Articles that do not meet the submission terms may be rejected.
Some edits may be made to articles before publishing.
Sab Gate reserves the right to publish articles on its website or social media pages.

Article Submission Steps:
1. Writing the Article: The article must be written according to the aforementioned article submission terms.
2. Submitting the Article: The article must be sent to Sab Gate's dedicated email address for external writers.
3. Article Review: The Sab Gate team will review the article to ensure it meets the submission terms.
4. Article Publishing: If the article is accepted, it will be published on the Sab Gate website and the writer's social media pages.

We hope this policy will contribute to publishing creative and high-quality content on the Sab Gate website and the writer's social media pages.

Policy for Publishing Articles
Shams Al bawadi Insulation Systems L.L.C, Kassem Ghatrif 6 April, 2024
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